Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг
Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг Факултет Скопје за соработка меѓу академијата и бизнис секторот
Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг Read More »
Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг Факултет Скопје за соработка меѓу академијата и бизнис секторот
Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг Read More »
Хајделберг Факултет во Скопје, претставуван од проф. д-р Синиша Наумоски и Македонскиот Полициски Синдикат https://www.facebook.com/makedonskipolicikisindikat претставуван од Претседателот г-дин Зоран Кузманоски, денес потпишаа Договор за соработка кој отвора нови можности за членови на синдикатот и нивните семејства. Соработката овозможува поволности за студирање на двете студиски програми: – Бизнис администрација: банкарство, осигурување и контролинг – Податоци
Our MA Ljubica Krstevska, director of the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje, was a guest in the TV 24 diary, at the invitation of the journalist Sead Rizvanović. The topic of conversation was “What are the advantages of the German dual education program?”. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about dual higher education and
The Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje team represented by Ljubica Krstevska, M.Sc., director and Dobrinka Demjanski, director of development and sales, met with acting the mayor of the Aerodrom Municipality, Dejan Miteski @dejanmiteski and representatives of the municipality. The meeting marked the beginning of future cooperation, starting from the benefits of dual higher education and practical
Representatives from the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje, prof. Dr. Sinisha Naumoski, representative of the Board of Directors from Germany and Dobrinka Demjanski, Director of Development and Sales, met with representatives of the company Vezë Sharri & Lecker and Elektro Sharri, Arben Abdurahmani, owner of the company, Abdulezel Dogani, Chief Executive Officer and Arlind Abdurrahmani, responsible
Dobrinka Demjanski, Director of Development and Sales at the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje, appeared as a guest on a City Radio show. The purpose of her appearance was to inform students about the first faculty for dual education in Macedonia, the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje. Topics of discussion included: what dual education entails, how companies
Representatives from the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje, at the invitation of the German Embassy in Skopje, supported Germany in the Germany-Spain match. An interesting match with great camaraderie 🇩🇪⚽️
Today, we had the honor of welcoming the esteemed representatives from Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje, Slavica Nikolovska, Assistant to the Management Board, Senior Associate, and M.Sc. Biljana Sanev, Director of the Human Resources Directorate. Our valued guests, together with Prof. Dr. Sinisa Naumoski, representative of the German Board of Directors, and Dobrinka Demjanski, Director of
Two-day “Conference on Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness to Prevent the Theft of Research and Technology at European Institutions”, June 12-13, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Organizers: CRDF GLOBAL in partnership with the U.S. Department of State and Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia. The event focused on key topics regarding research integrity and cybersecurity in academic, private, and public institutions
The conference held on June 6, 2024, achieved its goal of bringing closer and presenting the views of the banking sector and the supervisory authority, namely the National Bank, regarding current and future expectations for the level of risks, the impact of internal and external factors on them, and future expectations. They shared their experiences
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje organized the 2-nd Risk Management Conference – QUO VADIS? Read More »