Интервју за Фактор: Горан Василев
Бизнис советот на Хајделберг ќе овозможи стипендии и сигурна работа…
Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг
Формиран Бизнис Советот на Хајделберг Факултет Скопје за соработка меѓу…
Потпишан договор за соработка меѓу Хајделберг Факултет во Скопје и Македонски Полициски Синдикат
Хајделберг Факултет во Скопје, претставуван од проф. д-р Синиша Наумоски…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje – MA Ljubica Krstevska, guest of TV 24 disscussion of the concept “What are the advantages of the German dual education”.
Our MA Ljubica Krstevska, director of the Heidelberg Faculty of…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje – meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of Aerodrom, Dejan Miteski
The Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje team represented by Ljubica Krstevska,…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje – meeting with Vezë Sharri & Lecker and Elektro Sharri, possibility for dual cooperation
Representatives from the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje, prof. Dr. Sinisha…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje – Dobrinka Demjanski, Director of Development and Sales, guest on a City Radio show
Dobrinka Demjanski, Director of Development and Sales at the Heidelberg…
The German Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia organized a small party for the quarter-final clash between Germany and Spain within the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship
Representatives from the Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje, at the invitation…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje – meeting with Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje, possibility for dual cooperation
Today, we had the honor of welcoming the esteemed representatives…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje on the Conference on Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness to Prevent the Theft of Research and Technology at European Institutions, June 12-13, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Two-day “Conference on Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness to Prevent the Theft…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje organized the 2-nd Risk Management Conference – QUO VADIS?
The conference held on June 6, 2024, achieved its goal…
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje – meeting with Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje, possibility for dual cooperation
The Chairman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Bank AD…